Tuesday 28 March 2017

Graphic novel layout

Terminus - Michael Moreci 
Blackblood Alliance - Kay Fedewa

Lackadaisy - Tracey J Butler 

Ray Dillon - Dawn of the ninja.

Saturday 18 March 2017

Artists in my style.


Judyta Anna Murawska. - Illustrator and tattoo artist. (former graphic designer).

Traditional work :
For linearts : mostly pencil (just regular, cheap mechanical pencil, 2B lead) or colored pencils (Faber Castell, exactly these ones www.stonemarketing.com/images/… ). Sometimes fine-liners or just black ball-pen. 
for colors : mostly promarkers, sometimes colored pencils and watercolors (really rare). White gel pen is nice for little highlights and white spots.
:bulletpink: Digital 
wacom intuos tablet, size M and photoshop cs5. Very often makes linearts by pencil/colored pencils, scan it and color digitally.
brushes : Standard PS brushes or www.deviantart.com/art/kecky-s… (but only the 4th one)
She started off by drawing cartoon animals when she was around 10 years old, She was greatly inspired by manga and x-men comics and so she drew in that style. When she was 11 she discovered Furry's, also known as Anthropomorphic animals which also inspired her to draw them. She then discovered an anime called Shaman King at the age of 13 and was also inspired by the way it was drawn. Disney and Hanna Barbra were also a great inspiration to her. She is mainly self taught when it comes to drawing although she did do a course in graphic design. Most of her inspiration for her works comes from looking at other artists works, looking on sites such as pinterest and Deviantart also inspires her. 

Kay Fedewa - Illustrator and graphic designer.

Kay is the creator of one of my visually inspiring comics - The Blackblood Alliance, this comic was first brought to life in 2005, it was a web comic that was eventually made into a paper back copy, although it was discontinued. After moving on from this comic the artist worked in a graphic design studio and then went into the gaming industry, exploring and expanding her skills. She realised that she had never lost interest in her comic and wanted to continue it. 10 years later she decided to rework the comic and work full time on it, along with a few other artists. ''My artistic vision with the BBA, old and new, has always been the development of a rich visually appealing world that is immersive, fresh, and exciting in a way that can be felt with every frame. I take no shortcuts in achieving this and hope that my passion for the story can be understood as plainly as the speech written for each individual yet vivid character. ''